In Dr. Oz’s Words….Breast Self Exams “You Can Do This”

“There are two groups of people, I think, in America,” Dr. Oz explained on Monday’s The Doctor Oz Show. The two groups are what he calls the “Peace of Mind” group and “Power of Me” group.

“The Peace of Mind group says, ‘You know what, I don’t mind potential false positives … I’m willing to take that chance. I want to reduce as much as possible the odds of me having of breast cancer,'” said Dr. Oz.

“On the other hand, there are a lot of Power of Me people who will say, ‘You know what, I know the research. I’ve done my homework. I can draw my own conclusions. I can take precautions and actions beyond medicine.’ If you’re in that group, I think you ought to follow this panel’s guidelines,” he added.

Last week, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended against regular mammograms for women under 50 unless they are at risk for breast cancer, a change from the American Cancer Society’s longstanding position that women should get such screenings starting at 40.

The new study also found self-exams to be of no value and further concluded that women should not be taught to do them. Oz disagrees.

“One thing I disagree with completely [is] with the recommendations from this panel [about] the commentary that you shouldn’t bother doing breast exams,” he said. “I have more confidence in you. You can do this.”