Junior Breast Health Educators at Syosset High School

Girls learning about breast cancer

The mission continues! If you thought October was busy, November is following suit. Our educators continue to go out every day to schools, community organizations and corporation teaching different people about breast health. As mentioned earlier, in September, I had the opportunity to train about 45 students at Syosset High School to become Junior Breast Health Educators through The Maurer Foundation’s Peer Education Program. The program trains students to go out to other classes within their school (and sometimes venues outside of school) to educate their peers about breast health! This program is amazing and my now certified junior breast health educators are out teaching several classes a day just like me! In fact, I will be out there observing them all day tomorrow and I am extremely excited and proud. These students worked really hard everyday for 2 weeks in order to get certified and they all deserved it.

If you are interested in booking a Peer Education Program for a school or simply want more information feel free to contact us.

Next week I begin training a whole new set of students over at Mepham High School and I cannot wait to meet them all.