Latina/Hispanic and Breast Cancer

Hispanic women living in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer about 20% less often than non-Hispanic White and Black women. However, Hispanic women in the US experience higher rates of breast cancer than women from their country of ethnic origin, highlighting the impact of lifestyle on cancer risk. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Hispanic women which may be a result of lower mammography rates, genetic variants, and a lower likelihood of receiving appropriate and timely medical treatments.

Las mujeres hispanas que viven en los Estados Unidos son diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama aproximadamente un 20% menos que las mujeres blancas y negras que no tienen desendencia hispana. Sin embargo, las mujeres hispanas en los EE. UU. tienen tasas más altas de cáncer de mama que las mujeres de su país de origen étnico, lo que destaca el impacto del estilo de vida en el riesgo de cáncer. El cáncer de mama es la principal causa de muerte por cáncer en las mujeres hispanas porque tienen las tasas más bajas de mamografías, variantes genéticas y una menor probabilidad de recibir tratamientos médicos adecuados y oportunos.

Family Legacies: Hereditary Breast Cancer in Hispanic Women

Knowledge about family history of breast, ovarian and other cancers can help individuals be proactive, prevent cancer, and increase early detection screening, when treatment is minimal.     Cancer is usually not an inherited condition. However, approximately 10% of all cancer is hereditary, meaning it is due to a genetic mutation passed down from one’s mother or [...]

Lista de Reemplazos de Alimentos

Descargar ESTE CONTENIDO FUE FINANCIADO POR UNA BECA DE PINK AID La misión de Pink Aid es ayudar a las mujeres locales de bajos recursos a sobrevivir al tratamiento del cáncer de mama con apoyo y dignidad, brindar exámenes de detección a mujeres con necesidades económicas y capacitar a las sobrevivientes de cáncer de mama [...]

Breast Self-Exam Video Now Available in Spanish

The Foundation has seen an ever-increasing demand for our life-saving educational programs from the many diverse communities on Long Island and New York City.  Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among Latina women, so it is imperative that we provide them the tools and knowledge to improve their breast health (1). While we [...]

Two women making a heart symbol with their hands

Guía de Recursos de Salud Seno

Nuestra guía completa de recursos para la salud de los senos ofrece una lista de servicios de apoyo disponibles para quienes han sido diagnosticados con cáncer de seno, así como información sobre exámenes de detección de cáncer de seno gratuitos o de bajo costo para quienes no tienen seguro médico. Pink Aid ha patrocinado generosamente [...]

Pink Aid Helps to Expand Education to African American and Hispanic Communities

In March 2020, Pink Aid granted The Maurer Foundation $25,000 which has enabled us to launch our Women of Color Blog Series. This vital blog series focuses on breast health topics for black and brown women. Black women in the U.S. are more likely to be diagnosed with late-stage breast cancer and are 40% less [...]

Como Hacer una Auto Examinación de los Senos

Paso Uno: Tocar 1) Revise la mitad exterior de su seno derecho. Acuéstese y ruede hacia su lado izquierdo para examinar su seno derecho. Coloque su mano derecha, palma hacia arriba sobre su frente. Su seno debe de quedar lo más plano posible en su pecho. Quizá sea más fácil y más cómodo si coloca [...]

Maurer Makes An Impact in the Latino Community

The Maurer Foundation prides itself upon its ability to respond to the diverse needs of the communities we serve, which is why we have spent a great deal of time and effort developing and cultivating our Bilingual Breast Health Program.  As Long Islanders, we know how important it is to grow with the expanding needs [...]

Breast Cancer Occurrence, Diagnosis & Mortality Statistics

The most recent trends and statistics on the diagnosis of breast cancer based on gender, age, race/ethnicity as well as survivability figures.