Is Intermittent Fasting Worth the Weight?

Is Intermittent Fasting Worth the Weight?

Obesity and being overweight are the cause of a number of major health concerns including 13 types of cancer, including breast cancer. As a result, many seek out methods to help with weight management in an effort to reduce risk. Most recently, intermittent fasting (IF) has taken the spotlight as a method to help achieve this goal.

Getting a Jump Start on Breast Cancer Prevention

Getting a Jump Start on Breast Cancer Prevention

With high school students focused on making the varsity squad, getting into their dream college, and which TikTok video just went viral; they are losing sight that their lifestyle choices can have a dramatic lifelong impact on their breast health. Research reveals...

Family Legacies: Hereditary Breast Cancer in Hispanic Women

Family Legacies: Hereditary Breast Cancer in Hispanic Women

Knowledge about family history of breast, ovarian and other cancers can help individuals be proactive, prevent cancer, and increase early detection screening, when treatment is minimal.     Cancer is usually not an inherited condition. However, approximately 10% of...

4 Ways A Plant-Based Diet Can Improve Breast Cancer Odds

4 Ways A Plant-Based Diet Can Improve Breast Cancer Odds

  Today’s fad diets seem to be defined by what you’re no longer allowed to eat. The plant-based diet, also called the whole-foods plant-based diet, or a WFPB diet for short, is a little different (and may we say a breath of fresh air?). This way of looking at...

The Health Benefits of Gardening

The Health Benefits of Gardening

Few people think of gardening as exercise, or even think of it as having any health benefits at all. So you might be surprised to learn that not only is it a fantastic low-impact low-intensity exercise, it might be the perfect exercise when it comes to breast health, because it makes a positive impact on almost every controllable breast cancer risk factor.

How to Enjoy the Benefits of Walking & Running

How to Enjoy the Benefits of Walking & Running

A fantastic option for fighting cabin fever is to get outside and exercise. Walking and running are workouts that almost everyone can do, at any time, and in any place, and most people already have all the equipment they need: a good pair of shoes. Walk around your neighborhood, a nearby park, a hiking trail, a running track at the local school or even walk to the store instead of driving.

Age & Breast Cancer: What Young Women Need To Know

Age & Breast Cancer: What Young Women Need To Know

Many people think of breast cancer as only affecting older women, but almost every week we evaluate a young woman who’s been diagnosed. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2019 an estimated 268,800 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer (1). About 10% of...