How Do Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Work?

How Do Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Work?

No matter your breast cancer stage, participating in a clinical trial can not only improve your level of care, but can make a difference in the lives of future patients, often at little or no extra cost. Yet despite these benefits, only a small minority of patients...

5 Healthy Habits For Back-to-School

5 Healthy Habits For Back-to-School

Prepping your meals ahead of time and making a bagged lunch every day are healthy habits that help improve breast health. As we know from our high school breast health programs, back-to-school time can be a stressful time for parents, teachers, and students. The good...

How Do Breast Cancer Vaccines & Immunotherapy Treatments Work?

How Do Breast Cancer Vaccines & Immunotherapy Treatments Work?

At our hospital, we get a lot of questions about immunotherapy treatments for breast cancer. Immunotherapy is one of latest, most promising lines of research in breast cancer, part of a growing breed of biologic therapies. Immunotherapy is often mentioned in the same...

Night Work and Breast Cancer: Updated

Night Work and Breast Cancer: Updated

Here’s good news for the 15 million Americans who work night shifts and other irregular or rotating schedules. A new review that compiled data from over 1.4 million women challenges the 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) assertion that breast cancer risks increase...

You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

With the seasons changing, there is a high chance that many of us will  be under the weather at one point or another. Here are a few tips we can start practicing in order to keep our defenses up: Drink Lemon Water every morning: Boosts Your Immune System. Lemons are...